Our summer break is over, and we are open again and looking forward to seeing all of our regular customers, as well as some new faces.
We’re Hiring
Want to be apart of the Rumbletum crew?
With all the changes recently at Rumbletum, why not throw one more thing into the mix? We are looking to hire some part-time help.
Here are some of the things we are looking for : Continue reading “We’re Hiring”
Open September 6th
We’ve been busy enjoying some time off, getting refreshed, and coming up with a breakfast menu! Our plan is to re-open on Wednesday, September 6th. Continue reading “Open September 6th”
Closing for the Summer
The decision has been made, and we will be closing for the summer. The construction has affected traffic, to the point where we think, it makes the Continue reading “Closing for the Summer”
Important Construction Update
Construction continues but the middle section of town, where Rumbletum is located, is essentially finished! However, the second phase has begun which Continue reading “Important Construction Update”
Reduced Hours: Closing Mondays & Tuesdays
Construction update: Things are ahead of schedule, by close to a month! Curbs & sidewalks are going in this week and asphalt is likely to begin next Continue reading “Reduced Hours: Closing Mondays & Tuesdays”
Construction Progress Update
Construction continues on after some slow days due to all the rain last week. Thanks to all who have continued to come out despite the inconvenience. We Continue reading “Construction Progress Update”
Updated Store Hours
We’ve decided to close an hour earlier each day, at least until the end of May, at which point we’ll reassess.
The new store hours are Monday – Saturday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm.
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Ice Cream & Construction
We are still open our usual hours, however this may change if we decide to reduce our hours depending on the number of people that come out at various Continue reading “Ice Cream & Construction”
Easter & Construction
Construction has begun in Conestogo. It’s for our own good and we’ll be pleased with final results, we’ve been told. Hmmmmm. We sure hope so. Continue reading “Easter & Construction”